20 reasons why websites are needed
20 reasons why websites are needed
Websites are here to stay. They are technology's offering to us and the benefits of these are undeniable. Here are 20 reasons why they are such an essential part of our lives:
Thus websites are all encompassing. As such they are kicking and they are now an essential part of life of either a small businessman or a corporate giant or an academician or a student. They are as such a style statement. None can afford to ignore them.
Websites are here to stay. They are technology's offering to us and the benefits of these are undeniable. Here are 20 reasons why they are such an essential part of our lives:
- A website is an index to the maturity of a society: With the advancement of information technology, websites have become a part of our life. Initially they seemed to be a far cry and many considered them a luxury. But today they have become essential.
- The latest tool to make life comfortable and enjoyable: Anything that makes your daily cores easy, people immediately lap it up. A website is one such thing.
- Good source for profession specific information: Whatever be the profession, there is a website for it. That is why profession-specific websites have become dear to the hearts of people. They can just click the site they are interested in. They get what they want.
- Academics' work gets noticed by relevant people: If one's work has to get the desired recognition, it has to be noticed by the right people at the right time. That is exactly what websites are intended for.
- Meet the research needs of both professionals and non-professionals: The research needs of professionals are different from those of the non-professional. Both of them have separate sites and as such one need not waste time in browsing unnecessary sites. They go to the sites that serve them. It is that easy.
- Banking made easy: One need not spend hours in queues to either transfer their funds or receive them. You can get all the financial services now being offered in the cool comfort of your home. That is what online banking is offering you.
- Give business organizations respectability and good publicity: Business houses used to spend a substantial part of their earnings to make themselves and their products known to the people. Now they need not worry. Then can build a website of their own which is accessible to everyone. Besides it gives them an identity and respectability.
- Best means to reach lay and targeted audiences: Companies now can reach all and sundry through their website. And at the same time they can easily convince their targeted audience with day to day updates.
- Internet presence has become imperative for image building and business growth: Websites have become so common that companies which do not have a website of their own are considered backbenchers. Such companies do not have any face at all. Websites help them build an image and boost growth.
- The only medium to introduce oneself to the Internet to improve one's business.
- Most effective means: As both seekers and givers are under one roof, advertising becomes easy and effective at almost no cost at all.
- Websites offer a wide variety of devices and services: From simple enquiry requests to change of detail processing like address changes to advanced functions such as supply change management made easy.
- Comparing prices: Before selecting an item and then strike deal, one can easily compare the prices in the market. Thus one can make a knowledgeable wise choice.
- Global programs: Be they study programs, fundraising schemes, grants and scholarships, and volunteering opportunities, they are aplenty.
- International job listings: Only place where one gets the largest number of job listings from all over the world.
- Hassle-free travel: International or domestic travel has never been as easy as today. Go to the Internet open a relevant site and enter your requirements. You can buy your ticket, call a taxi to pick you up and drop you at the airport, and book the hotel accommodation you want. All at once and at one go.
- Matrimony made easy: Want a match for you or your daughter or son? You need not spend sleepless nights. Selection has become as easy as going to a movie. Websites have made matrimony hazardless with many sites catering to all - A partner is just a click away!
- Movie online: Name a movie you get it online, thanks to websites.
- Networking: Now one can make a reunion with schoolmates, or make new friends or connect to relatives in distant places. At a click one can exchange ideas and pix with their dear. That is what the sites like Face Book do.
- All this at practically no cost.
Thus websites are all encompassing. As such they are kicking and they are now an essential part of life of either a small businessman or a corporate giant or an academician or a student. They are as such a style statement. None can afford to ignore them.